Wednesday, December 5, 2018

I have been watching Macron's attempts in France to act against global warming by taxing gasoline to a level where many more people will be forced to turn away from fossil fuels. The results have been catastrophic levels of public resistance to the idea. Life is just too hard without the ability to drive, our complex society is now set up this way. And the pain of the transition using this strategy falls much more heavily on the poor than on the rich - a situation the French in particular have a history of resisting.

IDEA: what about, instead of taxing gasoline, we tax the purchase of new cars that require gasoline, and make it especially high for luxury cars and cars that have low gas mileage. Convert that money into price breaks for electric cars, bikes and scooters and for expanding the system of  electricity "fill up" stations. If we kept the price of a new standard electric car under $10,000, this would strongly incentivize all classes of people to move to electric cars and take away most of the pain of the transition for those making normal incomes.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

IDEAS on how to use our taxes to begin to reverse global warming: Line the sides of every state and federal highway with solar collecting roofs on stanchions and build distribution stations nearby to make that electricity available in the local area. Build CO2 sequestration structures next to them, powered by them. Build new road surfaces from now on incorporating cement or limestone blocks in which we have sequestered this CO2 from the atmosphere. Send financial aid and technical experts to other countries where workers are under pressure to migrate in order to survive, so that thousands of local jobs are created in their own countries as they apply the same solar and sequestration techniques to improve their own power distribution. All manner of technology is in process around the world. We can do this. Below are examples:

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Love this company's efforts to design livable  printed houses for as low as $4000 - they can be erected in 24 hours and provide a weather secure, lockable shelter for years! Excellent stop gap solution as our world is faced with ever growing tides of refugees.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Ever feel frustrated by the few opportunties available for ordinary people
to come together to discuss solutions to the problems facing our society?
This site is designed to be a place where anyone can put
ideas forward that might help to make this a better world to live in for all.

Ideas posted here may be clarifications or expansion of older ideas.
But any genuinely new Ideas postedhere are considered to be in the public domain.
If you like an idea you find here and you find  yourself
in a position to put it into action, you are welcome to use it without attribution or payment!

If you wish to add ideas to this site, please send them by email
to the site manager, Francesca Hampton, at
or post them on our facebook page
Better World Community Brainstorm
Serious, well-stated, positive ideas by caring people will be added to
this site for others to use or expand on.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I had a rare father. He was a man who loved ideas and discussing ideas. He read so many serious books, I felt the library was remiss in not giving him a champion reader award. When he passed away from my life, he left me without a serious conversation partner and I miss that.  A lot. Of course I have other good friends, and once in awhile we get onto topics beyond daily life, but I notice in both my own life and theirs, no one challenges us to discuss possible answers to the pressing problems of our times. Those problems are for nameless experts to consider somewhere. And indeed, many do with good results sometimes. But I think the world would be a far better place if the creative thinking and good energy of the  rest of us was given more invitations. We are smart. Working as communities, throughout human history people have found ways to confront incredible threats and challenges. So let's put our heads together here. Not many will have the means to carry ideas into reality, but perhaps some who do will take ideas from this site and run with them. That is my greatest hope in creating this blog. So choose a question below and think about it. If ideas come to you, you can get them to me as a comment to or in an email to  If you are sincerely sharing a relevant idea, and you write clearly enough to express it to others, i will add it to the blog for others to react to. I am also happy to add links to people with good solutions that you find online. Let's start  a conversation!

Questions to ponder. Respond to whatever interests you most:

  1. How can we turn around the growing disaster of global climate change?
  2. How can we bring together people increasingly experiencing a disconnect with each other in America (or another country)?
  3. How can we address homelessness?
  4. How can we address  the growing wealth disparity in the US (or another country)?
  5. What would a perfect medical care delivery system look like?
  6. What would an effective education system look like in the 21st century?
  7. What is an immigration policy that works for both immigrants and the countries they want to immigrate to?
  8. How can a government work to increase the "gross national happiness"?
  9. How we improve the ways we treat animals in our society?
  10. How can we improve the outcomes of imprisoning people - and avoid having to imprison so many in the first place?
  11. How can we preserve the natural environment while accommodating the needs of this now giant human population?
  12. How can we preserve access to clean water?
  13. How can we solve the problem of plastics and other pollution in the oceans?
  14. How can we encourage morality and empathy in society without adding dogmatism or encroaching on personal freedoms?
  15. How can we insure that persons running for office are truly prepared to do the work?

As I receive feedback and consider more issues, I will add to this list in the future. Looking forward to your thoughts!

I have been watching Macron's attempts in France to act against global warming by taxing gasoline to a level where many more people ...